Appalachian Trail Guidebook 2021 (FINAL SALE)
Since 2010, The A.T. Guide, a.k.a. "The Awol Guide," has been the guidebook of choice for hikes of any length on the Appalachian Trail. The book contains thousands of landmarks such as campsites, water sources, summits and gaps. The trail's elevation profile is included and every landmark is aligned to the profile. Hikers using this guide know where they are on the trail, what views, streams and campsites are ahead, and whether they'll be hiking uphill or downhill to get there. The A.T. Guide answers all of your questions about how to get rides, where to stay, and where to get supplies. There are 94 maps of towns on or near the trail showing where to find these services and detailed listings for businesses. The A.T. Guide is the most innovative trail guidebook ever developed.
- 2621 Mile to trail landmarks
- 1107 Water sources (potentially unreliable sources noted)
- 347 Identified campsites or tent-sites on, or convenient to, the A.T.
- 294 Shuttle services
- 260 Shelters include distances to the last three and next three shelters & whether or not there is tent-site, privy, and bear cable (or bear box) access.
- 433 URLs for service listings
- 398 Lodging services (hostel, hotel/motels, and B&Bs)
- 299 Resupply points (grocers, convenience stores, and outfitters)
- 295 Parking areas with GPS coordinates
- 70 Post offices (off map) with hours of operation & phone numbers
- 94 Maps (for towns, areas, and difficult trail intersections)
- Countless additional services not included in full text listings
- 90 Post offices with hours of operation & phone numbers
- Major road and trail crossings
- GPS Coordinates & location based magnetic declination
- 47 Custom icons for identification of services at a glance
- Important information from state parks and trail maintaining clubs
- Invaluable safety and best practices information
- Plastic seal top bag